This is a long overdue post! I attended an AOM Discoveries workshop at Rotman two weeks ago which was excellent!  I received very useful information about the aims of the journal, “the why”, as well as insight into the type of research that they are looking for, “the what”.   After the main session we divided into smaller groups and listened to editor feedback on some abstracts that had recently be submitted -wow it brought back memories of my colloquia experiences!  The workshop was also very good for networking as I saw some folks that I have not seen in several years and made some new connections.

Progress on my research has been very slow (ahem, non-existent!) because I am currently looking for a new corporate role which is my top priority. This is not a small undertaking and then I will need to focus so that I have a very successful on-boarding! That said, I am going to carve out a few hours bi-weekly to maintain momentum which is pivotal especially given how busy life has become. Finally, I am going to have to create a practical long-term strategy for my research as an incremental approach is unlikely to yield optimal results. Stay tuned!

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