Finalizing The WhitePaper

It has been a week of committed effort but meagre outcomes!!  I managed to squeeze in a bit of reading during the week which was great.  Today, I have spent several hours reviewing a copy-edited version of my White Paper.  It has been renamed as a “research brief”.   This took far longer than anticipated, particularly because there were several issues with the references.  I am not sure what happened because most of them were accurate in Endnotes but somehow they became jumbled in the copy edited version.  I also had to pay particular attention to some of the tables which had been inaccurately altered by the copy editor and therefore required additional revisions.

Earlier this week, I received detailed, written feedback on my final assignment which was very positive.   I am really pleased about the assessment results and it was a great reminder of my progress so far which has been considerable.  Sometimes I lose sight of this because I am so focused on the “road ahead”.

Tomorrow I will be in the sunshine.  I am really looking forward to it.  Plan to fully enjoy my time away from research and work because it will be very busy when I return.

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