
It is 647PM.  It has been another 10 hour day at the library, but I am thrilled that I was able to accomplish everything on my “to do” list.  I had separate meetings with both of my supervisors this week as well as a conversation with a statistics “guru” from Rotman.  All of these meetings were very productive.  The conversations also simultaneously highlighted my progress and the many miles that I have yet to travel with my research.

Fortunately short term milestones are in very good shape, my deck for the upcoming colloquium has been finalized.  I will undertake one more review before submitting on Thursday.  Also, I was able to add 7 journal articles to my research summary spreadsheet.

Next week, work is going to be very intense as I have two off-sites and several deliverables,  I also need to devote time during the latter part of the week fine-tuning my travel details.  Interestingly, this time next week I will be heading to the airport to travel to the colloquium –very exciting!

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