Two Colloquium Down Two More To Go….

It has been an especially full week with work travel and on-boarding a new manager.  I was simultaneously finalizing preparation for today’s Rotman colloquium which went relatively well.  The biggest challenge was reducing my presentation to fit the twenty minute time slot.  In retrospect I should have included a few more of the slides about the measures, but at this point I am still not sure what I would have removed.  I received some very useful recommendations that will allow me to complete some further analysis this week.   I am feeling a sense of accomplishment because I am now at the halfway point with my colloquia for 2013, the next one is in July and the final colloquium is in September.

The week ahead will be full and good.  I have started to play outdoor tennis which is terrific, and I have two matches scheduled.  I plan to try and complete some analysis in the evenings and take the upcoming long weekend completely “off”,  no work and no research.   Also, the new statistics book that I ordered on Amazon should arrive by mid-week, I ordered it recently at the recommendation of a professor from Norway.  I am sure that I will be able to immediately put it to good use.

As a side note it was really interesting to see how much the DBA cohort at Rotman has grown since I started the program in 2009.  I met some new researchers who are exploring very interesting topics and, as usual, it was especially interesting to listen to the other presentations as well.

A large glass of wine is calling me now!

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