The Official Draft Is Underway

It is 430pm and I am pleased with my progress today.  For the first time in a very long time, I wrote all day and have completed a draft Abstract and Introduction section using the proper formatting for a thesis.  The formatting took a bit longer than I thought because I am using a different version of WORD but I can definitely see the benefits.  The key reason that drove my prioritization today was a commitment to have three chapters ready by September 13th in order to present at a colloquium in Norway.  I am presenting via Skype which should be interesting, this new deadline definitely “lit a fire under me” to get going!!

I am now going to close off the day with reading some of my statistics text book and updating my project plan for the week ahead.  I am taking off the first week of September to focus on writing so if I am committed I should be able to meet my deadline.

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