“Off” but Oddly Productive

It is 4pm and I have had very “heads down” day so far at the library.  I battled some serious sleepiness at noon.  I think this is partially due to my focus on reading and summarizing the literature.  I can see why I tend to avoid this area of research because I much prefer data analysis!!  The good thing is a have a very rough draft of 5000 words for my literature review completed which means that I am 20% complete.  If I can get to 50% complete before mid-October then I should be in a good position to write the remainder of the chapter during my week if vacation.

In addition to the sleepiness, I have simple felt “off” for much of the day.  That said, I just updated my project plan and realized that I have accomplished more than I thought so I feel a bit better.  I am going to devote my final hour to printing off articles that I need to start reading and integrating.  It is all about the literature!

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