Surviving to Thriving!

Wow, the last two weeks have been intense, and challenging.  Last weekend I travelled to visit my parents last weekend and therefore did not go to the library.  I journeyed by train so was able to some reading while enroute.  It was lovely to be home but I was in a bit of a “catch up” mode as a results of being away.

This week has been highly productive and I feel like I have turned an important emotional corner.  I am no longer going to fixate on my time lines to the extent that it detracts from my learning and progress.  For the past few months I have had a lingering sense of dissatisfaction because I was feeling behind schedule.  I am still not on schedule but I now have a greater acceptance that I cannot always accurately predict the duration and complexity of tasks.  That said, I still need to set goals and be cognizant of progress, but not be so tough on myself!!

I had a very productive meeting with my supervisor and she provided useful feedback including the importance of telling a “compelling story” with your research.  I am still “flapping about” with this but made some good progress in this area today.  I also completed some outstanding analysis and obtained interesting results.  Really enjoying the SPSS Survival Manual, definitely my new bff!!

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