Academic Publication –Woohoo!

This is a great way to end 2014.  I recently learned that my article was published in the Journal of International Doctoral Research –woohoo!!  This has definitely provided some “wind in my sails” as I enter the final weeks  of VERY heavy lifting in order to meet my January 31st submission deadline for my thesis.  This also means that I can list that I have successfully published both in the academic AND industry realm in my thesis.   I think that there is an official place to do this, but I will need to find out the proper approach.  This is tangible evidence that my research has contributed  to both theory and practice -sweet!!

I just realized that I should mention the reason why I have not posted for the past few weeks.  I had to travel unexpectedly to the US.  When I returned from my trip my partner and I were fully engaged in Christmas.  The holidays have been terrific.  We hosted a lovely pre-Christmas dinner with family and friends and then we travelled to Ottawa on Christmas eve to spend time with my parents and family.  Lots of good fellowship, frolic and EATING!!!

I am signing off now to get ready for New Year’s Eve festivities.  It has been a wonderful 2014, full of joy, challenges, and learning.  I am feeling both grateful, peaceful and ahem –pretty tired!!  A beach vacation is definitely in order after I defend….

This entry was posted in Dissertation, Finalizng The Thesis, Publishing, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Tips and Tools, White Paper, Writing. Bookmark the permalink.