Progress But Behind Plan –Again!!!

This is another uber quick post. My plan for a full day at the library was not to be because of some personal matters. Instead I ended up squeezing in three 90 minutes stints of work in between some family duties!  The good news is that I was able to provided needed family support and now have finished all of my chapter summaries. This work was important not only so I have a easy to review summary to reference but also because I discovered some edits that I need to make. Most of the edits are typos and rephrasing, but I also discovered that that I should add one my hypothesis –ouch! It is not a huge omission but I should have caught this before, and will be prepared to speak to this at my VIVA.

Fortunately, after many phone calls and emails, I have managed to have my jury duty rescheduled to August. This along with scheduling my travel and accommodation required effort over the past week, but thankfully all of my logistics are finalized now including two mock vivas.

The not so good news is that I am behind scheduled with responding to VIVA questions! Oh well, I will need to catch up by completing some work in the evenings. I have to sign off now because this coffee shop is closing in 10 minutes!

This entry was posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools, VIVA Preparation. Bookmark the permalink.