Plan B

Last weekend I took a break from VIVA prep, and instead spent time with my parents for Mother’s Day which was lovely.  It feels like a long time since my last post likely because a lot has happened practically and emotionally related to my postponed VIVA. Unfortunately, I still do not have a confirmed set of new examiners, nor a new date, which is disappointing. However, today I created my “Path to VIVA Plan B” document and feel pretty good about it. I will work the plan until the details of the VIVA are finalized and then adjust it accordingly.

The other task that I completed today was listening to the final 60 minutes of  my April 27 Mock VIVA and taking detailed notes. I am so glad that I recorded it using my iPhone!! Overall, I was am very pleased with how I performed and suspect this has contributed to my positive and accepting attitude about my circumstances. There are definitely a few areas that I want to tighten up, but listening to the audio confirmed for me that I am in very good shape. My next steps, summarized on Plan B, are focused on keeping my thinking fresh and shoring up some areas so that I can be STELLAR in the VIVA.

It is a beautiful spring day so I am going to do another 90 minutes of work, and then head out into the sunshine!

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