Dr Claudette Knight

It is official. I am Dr. Claudette Knight.  What a concept!! It feels great but still a bit unreal. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend graduation in person, but I was able to have my graduation robes shipped to me. Earlier this week I had graduation photos taken which pleased my parents and will be good for posterity!

This week has been focused on getting thank-you cards and gifts to my supervisors and others who played an essential role in my doctoral journey. It is amazing how many people there are to thank. It feels really good to be able to say thank-you.

I have spent the past five hours at the library working on my “On Becoming A DBA: A Short Reflection” paper which will be published in JIDR in early 2016. I also spent some time mapping out my DBA Part II strategy which is essentially a plan to optimize my “dual citizenship” as academic and industry practitioner.  There is more to come on this topic –very exciting times!

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