
It is 430pm and the library has announced that they are closing in 30minutes.  Based on my productivity it feels like I just arrived –sigh!!  It has been a difficult week.  Lots of change at work and I was also on the road for a few days.  Simultaneously, I have been grappling with some family issues so need to take an unexpected international flight tomorrow.   Suffice it to say, my head is not fully in the research space.  Upon reading this post, I have decided that “dogpaddling” is all that can be expected given the circumstances so I am going to give myself a break.

I will depart shortly to do some errands and then finish packing for my flight.  The bright side to the day was finally printing the submission guidelines and technical set up and formatting advice for my thesis, there are about 30 pages to review.  It is very important for me to resist my desire to just continue writing.  Instead, next Saturday I am going to focus on understanding and executing the proper set up.  I will then populate it with what I have already written before adding new content.  Begin with the end in mind!!!


Posted in Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

It Is Time For A Break!!!

It is 653pm on Day 4 of my vacation and it is definitely time for a break!!  I have worked hard for 4 days straight and am keeping my commitment to take the next three days off to relax and have some fun.  I plan to enjoy a leisurely breakfast and art galleries tomorrow.  My brother is in town this weekend so there will be lots of fun and frolic with him and my sister which I am looking forward to.

Overall, I am quite pleased with my progress this week, despite not achieving many of the milestones that I had established –I am getting used to this.  I dedicated a great deal of time writing and rewriting the abstract which has served as a really useful anchor as I started to add content to my dissertation.  I also spent a great deal of time creating many of the graphs that will be included in my data analysis section in addition to building more statistical capability through my text book and on-line tutorials.

Increasingly I am realizing that as I learn and understand more, there is more to learn and understand.  The other big take-away from this week is that I am likely further ahead than I think with my dissertation, I just have pieces in many places –power point decks, whitepapers, summary notes etc.  My focus over the next few weeks is to integrate everything into the dissertation and then seek initial feedback from my supervisors.  I will also devote some time to determine my approach for my final colloquium for 2013.  Time definitely flies!

Posted in Colloquia, Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools, White Paper, Writing | Leave a comment

Slog But Worth It!!

The highlight of my week was a Skype call with a recent DBA graduate.  She was very open with her commentary about the process to complete her doctorate and the benefits of the achievement.  I took copious notes and look forward to staying connected with her.  There were two big take-aways.  First, there is no getting away from the effort required, it is  enormous and feels like a “slog” for much of it.  Second, the importance of producing a high quality dissertation, even if this takes several iterations.  Producing a high quality thesis will boost your confidence significantly going into your VIVA and likely make it easier from the examiner perspective if the calibre of research and writing is high.  In some ways these take-aways may sound obvious, but I think they are both important points to remember throughout my  final leg of the journey.

Off to play tennis now and I will be dedicated writing this week as I am on vacation.

Posted in Advice, Dissertation Planning, Feedback From Academics, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools | Leave a comment


I spent about three hours working on my abstract today.  I am only about 60% complete and the process took much longer than planned because I am now trying to use appropriate APA style.  That said, it was a satisfying undertaking as it was a reminder of what I have accomplished.  I will aim to finish it up next Saturday.

Today my library stint is abridged.  I spent a few hours in the morning weeding the lawn and sowing new grass seed.  I am departing shortly to meet with my girlfriend to celebrate her birthday.  Last night I went out for dinner and drinks with my partner.  Terrific weekend so far!!

The work week was not especially productive because I was on the road for two days, hopefully I will be able to get a bit more accomplished next week.   I am looking forward to a Skype call on Tuesday morning with a DBA who recently completed the program.  Additionally, I am planning to attend a get together with the Deputy Dean of Henley who is visiting Toronto.

Posted in Dissertation, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Writing | Leave a comment

Analysis Complete!!!

I have just completed some hierarchical regression which was a suggestion from the  Henley colloquium that I attended last week.  The findings are interesting so it was time well spent.  I am THRILLED to say that my analysis is now complete.   My focus for the next six weeks will be on writing and staying on top of the literature –woohoo!!

Posted in Colloquia, Data Analysis, Surviving the DBA, Writing | Leave a comment

Three Down, One To Go!

I am on an Air Canada flight returning from the Henley Colloquium.  Overall, it was a great experience.  I was pleased with how I delivered my research update and received valuable feedback.  I also really enjoyed listening to the other presentations and participating in the discussions.  The topics were interesting and it was good to leverage my stats skills.

I have a detailed plan focused on writing, reading my latest stats text, and staying on top of the literature.  I plan to drive hard until mid-September and then prepare for my final colloquium for 2013.



Posted in Colloquia, Dissertation Planning, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

Finishing Up In The Sunshine!

The library is closed so I am writing this post on the grass while watching what appears to be a pick-up soccer match.  It has been a very busy week and I am feeling prepared for next week’s colloquium.  In fact, I am looking forward to the opportunity to present and receive input on my research.

My work week was relatively calm for the first time in months!!!  I was also able to get in some tennis and tried out a few new recipes which was all a great deal of fun.  Hope for more of the same when I return from the colloquium.

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Things Are Getting Interesting

This will be yet another quick post.  I had a very full week at work which included 3 days of travel.  Suffice it say I was pretty smackered when I arrived at the library this morning.  I am departing shortly to do some groceries and then head home for a quiet evening.

I am very excited with the direction that my research is taking.  There are some unexpected and interesting findings as I dig further into gender analysis which should be meaningful both academically and practically.  I am looking forward to my next colloquium presentation to get reactions and input from other researchers.

Next week, I plan to do my best to accomplish some work in the evenings and then take the weekend off –yippee!

Posted in Data Analysis, Feedback From Academics, Surviving the DBA, Time Management | Leave a comment

Wonderful Weekend

My partner and just returned from a highly enjoyable weekend visiting family.  It is so important to make the time for getting together with loved ones and it continues to be my highest priority.  Fortunately, we travelled by train so were both able to do some work while aboard.  I was able to make refinements to a deck for the July colloquium which was satisfying because maintaining some level of momentum is important for me.

I am travelling next week for work, and also video conferencing into a workshop at Henley.  It is going to busy!!

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Long Day

This post is going to be super short.  I had a “full court press week” between research, work travel, and tennis lessons.   The research highlight of my week was meeting with a Rotman Economics professor to discuss some recent analysis.  Our conversation was both productive and enjoyable.  I am pleased to say I rode the momentum of the meeting to create a solid deck for my July colloquium.

Now I am going to make some dinner and watch French Open Tennis.  Good stuff.


Posted in Colloquia, Data Analysis, Surviving the DBA, Tips and Tools, Tutor | Leave a comment