It Is REALLY Starting To Make Sense

I am in the midst of the final leg of my research week.  I have worked hard and consistently but have not accomplished as much as I had hoped.  I am starting to really recognize that I am a poor estimator of research productivity!  That said, I have learned a great deal this week and am thrilled to say that I have begun to read my Multivariate Data Analysis text and I actually understand it!!!  I picked up the text at Henley in July 2010 and then quickly put it on my shelf, to be used as a reference book, because I did not understand it at all.  Now that I have a much better understanding of the language of statistics and core concepts I am actually enjoying it.  Also, it turns out the style of the book fits my learning style well, lots of “real life” examples, graphs, and tables.

Another highlight from the week has been connecting with other researchers via email.  Some good camaraderie has been established as well as idea sharing.  My final observation is related to the value of revisiting my literature –repeatedly.  I see and understand the research at deeper levels as I increase not only my knowledge of  research methodology but also the subject matter.  This is very cool.

Despite the many tasks that I did not accomplish this week, I am sticking to my commitment to give myself a break from research.  I have booked some spa treatments  for this afternoon.  Additionally, I plan to  have fun and frolic with my partner tonight and over the weekend -woohoo!

Posted in Data Analysis, Quantitative Methods, Surviving the DBA, Tips and Tools | Leave a comment

Building Quantitative Muscle

I have had a very full and productive week, both with work and research.  I finished the final workshop of a 4-part SPSS series.  This last workshop focused on regression.  I was really pleased at the degree that I was able to “keep up” and understand the concepts.  Also, the professor was excellent at explaining concepts, and balancing theoretical explanations with interesting stories and metaphors.  These factors really helped the learning to “stick” for me.

As much as I struggle with statistics I am really drawn to it, not just as a researcher, but likely because of my attraction to logic, rules  that makes sense, and tools to understand reality.  I also had a really productive tutorial with a Henley professor via video conference.  The session highlighted how much I still need to learn which was a bit overwhelming.  However, there was a significant upside because I finished the tutorial with very clear next steps and a scheduled second tutorial for late September.

This week I am on vacation so will be dedicating 5 days to my research with a significant focus on building my quantitative muscle.  I am also looking forward to playing tennis with my partner, perhaps a road trip, and spending time with my siblings.  Of course, I will also be watching a great deal of the London Olympics!

Posted in Quantitative Methods, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools | Leave a comment

Optimizing Resources

I am at the library and feeling quite zonked.  Once again, I think I have overestimated my capacity to be productive!  There has been a fair bit of travel of late, for research, personal and work reasons.  First Henley, and then last weekend in Ottawa, and this week for work.  I am really looking forward to some vacation time which I have coming up shortly.  I am going to be intentional with taking several days off from research even though I am feeling a bit behind because the last month has been quite chaotic.

On the upside, I did manage to attend an SPSS workshop this week and have another one scheduled for next Thursday.  Additionally, I have a tutorial scheduled for Tuesday morning with a Henley resource via video conference.  I have one more hour left at the library so I am going to focus on preparing questions for both of these learning opportunities.  This way I can optimize the time spent with them and hopefully be able to conduct some focused analysis when I am on vacation.

Even though I am tired, I am looking forward to time on the tennis court this afternoon.  It is always great to be outdoors in the summer and I suspect that I will feel energized afterwards.

Posted in Competency Development, Data Analysis, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools | Leave a comment

It All Adds Up….

I am on the train returning home after  a lovely visit with my family in Ottawa.  We all played a role in a charity golf tournament which was a great deal of fun.  Suffice it to say I did not get a lot of research done.  That said, I managed to do a little bit of reading on several occasions and also completed some email correspondence.  I am trying to adhere to recent advice I received about taking the opportunity to work on research whenever possible because “it all adds up!”

Posted in Dissertation, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools | Leave a comment

Time Very Well Spent

Yesterday evening I returned from a 6 day trip to Henley.  The focus of my trip was to participate in a colloquium, but I also had several meetings with other researchers and professors.  Overall, it was an amazing visit!!  My research presentation was generally well received.   I gained a good deal of useful feedback and suggestions mostly related to methodology.  Listening to the presentations of other researchers was equally beneficial because one has to leverage both general business acumen and knowledge of research to understand and provide meaningful feedback to the presenter.   Additionally, it was highly valuable to hear the commentary of the seasoned academics and reflect on applicability to my research.

The 1-1 meetings I had scheduled were also quite enjoyable on a personal level and provided more insight into the journey to doctorate.  I was able to get good advice on a range of areas.  A key theme was the importance of “keeping up the momentum”, even if it is a small task, it is better to do something rather than nothing at all.  Also, the criticality of “writing as you go” was reinforced frequently by many individuals.

Overall, I am feeling pretty positive about my progress to date and am eager to delve into more formal statistics training over the next few weeks.  I was reminded of a good “rudimentary” statistics book that had been quietly collecting dust on my book shelf since I received it in October 2008 at the first research methods workshop!!  Additionally, I am scheduled to complete two additional SPSS workshops in the next three weeks.

I am signing off now because some serious jet lag has kicked in.  Perhaps playing tennis in the hot sun at 830 this morning did not help my energy level either.  That said, it is wonderful to be back in the summer sun after a full 6 days of rain in the UK!

Posted in Colloquia, Competency Development, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Writing | Leave a comment

2012 Colloquium #2

This is going to be a quick post because I have to depart shortly for the tennis courts.  I have had a very productive day at the library.  My focus has been to finalize my presentation for an upcoming colloquium at Henley and also prepare for the meetings that I have scheduled while I am there.  I feel like the presentation is in very good shape and plan to do a final proof read tomorrow before submitting it.  I also have created a solid list of questions for all of the meetings.   Compiling the list of questions was an energizing experience.   I am really looking forward to the trip, and am especially excited about  seeing some of my DBA cohort who are also planning to attend.

My final comment is related to logistics.  I continue to be amazed by how much time needs to be devoted to the administrative components of the doctorate.  For example, it feels like I spend a good few hours a week on non-research tasks such as:  scheduling meetings, ordering books, updating licensing, booking workshops, printing and entering researcher information in ENDNOTES, and responding to email.  I now completely understand why academics have research assistants!

Off to the courts now.  Hopefully all of the Wimbledon matches that I have been watching lately will improve my game!

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GMAT Book…Exhale

Increasingly, I can see how easy it is to lose momentum in research.   Although I only took last Saturday off for vacation, which I thoroughly enjoyed, it feels like ages since I have focused on my research.  As a result, I have been feeling a bit guilty and overwhelmed this week.

I spent the first part of this morning at a coffee shop reviewing some DBA handbooks and documents outlining expectations for both my dissertation and VIVA.  This was a useful reminder of the big picture, but at the same time I started to feel incredibly anxious about two things.  First, how can I possibly achieve all of these outcomes within the time frame that I have established?  Second, even if I nail everything down how will I remember everything at the VIVA!!  I tend to be effective at ramping up and learning required skills and knowledge, but my challenge is retaining BOTH breadth and depth while I am also juggling work and life.

Suffice it to say that I was not on an emotional high when I entered the library.  As I was walking to my favourite study table, I noticed a student reading a book entitled “GMAT”.  I immediately smiled and exhaled.  Seeing the book reminded me of when I was prepping for the GMAT and feeling anxious about completing an MBA.  Reflecting on the reality that I successfully completed the MBA, and more recently the MSc was a good morale boost.  I need to let go of my aggressive time-lines and just focus on the journey.  I WILL get there!

I am now going to review and update my overall research plan and resume my analysis and writing.

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30 Pages Down…

I finally committed to my writing today.  It was a bit of a slog and felt unsatisfying until close to the end.  This is when I realized that the combination of writing and inserting graphs resulted in a 30 page document.  I am thinking that the final thesis will be about 200 pages, so this is a small, but decent start.  I have sent it to both of my supervisors and hope to get feedback from them over the month or so.

I am currently sitting in a park, because the library closed early due to summer hours.  Thank goodness for iPhones that create internet access instantly.  It is a pleasant change of location.  I am going to have an early dinner and then head out to a movie with my partner.  Next week we are heading to the US for a short vacation.  I feel like I can enjoy my time away knowing that my research is on track.  This is a very good feeling.

Posted in Dissertation, Supervisor, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

Clean Up & Prepare

This is going to be a very short post.  Today was fairly scattered.  I was not able to get a significant block of time at the library because of tutoring and tennis commitments.  That said, I made the best of the time I had.

The session with the tutor was productive, the focus was on clarifying some terms.  My biggest take-away was what she said about quantitative research.  She drew a pie and indicated that the majority of the time is spent on data cleansing and data preparation and only a very small sliver, about 10%, is actually spent on analysis.  As I read it now, this makes sense given that tools such as SPSS will do all of “the math” quickly and efficiently.  The issue is getting your data ready for the analysis.  We spent a good amount of time discussing different ways that I need to consider recoding my variables.  This session was a good follow-up to the SPSS Part II workshop that I took on Thursday.  I plan to take two additional workshops in July.  My understanding is coming along slowly but surely and I have to remember to be patient the pay-off will be there if I create the proper foundation.

I did a small bit of writing this week and have given myself a very firm deadline to submit a portion of my dissertation to my supervisors.  I am quite motivated because my partner and I are heading to the US for a short vacation and I want to be able to be able to fully enjoy the mini-break without any guilt.  Fun and frolic here we come!

Posted in Data Analysis, Data Collection, Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Quantitative Methods, Tips and Tools, Tutor | Leave a comment

Another Milestone Reached…

It is midday and I have just enjoyed a delicious breakfast.  I feel very relaxed,not  just because of the breakfast,  but because I completed my colloquium presentation this morning.  It is not a huge milestone, but it was an unanticipated deliverable that I added a month ago so I am glad to have accomplished it.

I think that the presentation went fairly well.   I received several useful pieces of feedback that I will integrate into my next presentation.  Also, I have some solid ideas for how I need to evolve some aspects of my planned analysis.  I always forget how rewarding it is to be around other researchers who are struggling with getting things done.  Additionally, there is a good deal of value in seeing how they approach and present their data.  I am really glad that my supervisor also attended in person, it was very comforting to see her there and feel her support.  Overall, it was time really well spent.

I initially thought that I would also go to the library but my brain is fried.  In addition to preparing for the colloquium this week I attended my first session of my SPSS course.  I learned a great deal and am looking forward to the second session next week.  I think I will be in a good position to conduct a good deal of analysis in the upcoming weeks.

Like a hobbit, I am now enjoying my second breakfast.  Mmm!!  I will depart shortly and do a few errands.  Look forward to playing some tennis for an hour and then a nap.  I have tentative plans for this evening but not sure if I have the energy for anything more than the comfy couch.

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