Old School vs New School…

It is a beautiful summer day and I feel fantastic!!  I have just completed a very solid deck for my colloquium next week and will depart shortly to enjoy the rest of the long weekend.  It will be really nice to enjoy a full two days off from work AND research.

I have had a very productive week and am feeling proud of my progress.  I completed my data clean up, and began some rudimentary analysis in SPSS.  It is very satisfying to see how quickly you can analyze data once it is in SPSS.  Of course, my challenge quickly became determining how to interpret the results!!  Fortunately, I had my first meeting with my tutor which was useful.  It turned out that I have remembered more than I thought but it was really beneficial to get input on my progress and answers to questions.  I have also enrolled in a SPSS workshop which entails two 3 hour sessions.  I think the timing will be good because I have a much better overarching sense of how SPSS works now and also clarity on the types of analysis that I would like to perform.

One thing that struck me with the tutor was that when she was stuck on a question she said, “I will Google it”.  This happened perhaps only twice, but it was noteworthy to me.  Perhaps  what was even more interesting was that within 15 minutes of our meeting she sent me an email with the correct answers.  I regularly use Google for a lot of things but my “go to” response for academic questions, beyond searching for research papers, is typically to pull out my textbooks or notes.  Think this is a good example of my tendency towards “Old School” thinking/approaches.  Today, I tried her approach and was amazed by how effective it was.

Anyway, I am going to head out shortly.  I am having dinner with a girlfriend and then going out for drinks and dancing with my partner.  Let the fun and frolic begin!!

Posted in Colloquia, Data Analysis, Quantitative Methods, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools | Leave a comment

Missing Data -Done!!

I am finally finished “scrubbing my data”!!  Not sure if that it is an official term, but it is now for some analysis via SPSS.  I realized from a discussion with my partner today that I could have been more efficient if I knew how to write macros.  I will put this on my “to do” list.  That said, for now I am just really glad that I can begin some analysis.  I have to dash now my ride is here.

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Pre-Brunch Update

I am typing a quick post from my parents’ place.  I have enjoyed a really relaxing and fun weekend with them.  We are waiting for my brother, and his family, to arrive and then we are going to enjoy a family brunch.  Suffice it to say that I was unable to do my regular library stint yesterday, but did manage to do some preliminary work on a presentation.  I also plan to do more on the train ride back to Toronto. 

I just remembered that last week was atypical as well.  I had the flu and was side-lined for 5 days.  It will be good to get back into my routine next weekend.  Not a moment too soon given I am planning to present at a colloquium in late May.  Thankfully I have lined up a tutor to help me address some SPSS questions and am making good progress with my data clean-up.

Scones and cream are calling me!

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Missing Data

It has been a productive day at the library.  I have been focused exclusively on grappling with the “missing data” in my data set.  About 25% of the surveys have at least one missing response and it is not always easy to determine what to do.  Based on existing research I am replacing missing responses with a mean response in situations when 3 out 4 responses for a scale are available.  That said, there are all kinds of additional permutations and combinations as well.  So I am logging everything and will revisit both theory and the literature to resolve.  The “data scrub” is taking far longer than anticipated.  By the time I leave the library today I will be about 40% complete.  I need to be patient!

I had a good connect with one my UK supervisor via Skype earlier this week.  It was useful to review my progress and discuss plans for the summer.  I am meeting with my TO supervisor next week and look forward to sharing an update and getting her perspective on a few topics.

There is not much more to say.  I had a very busy work week, with some travel and two external events, so I am pretty zonked.  I managed to play outdoor tennis twice and did a  little bit of gardening…lovely.  I hope to do more of both of these activities as the weather gets warmer.

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Great Week of Data Analysis

It has been an incredibly productive week of research.  I am very pleased with my progress and thoroughly enjoyed each day.  For the first time since I began my doctoral journey I felt that I was “in the zone”.  The time flew by and I thoroughly enjoyed digging into the data and experiencing the unfolding story.

I made very good progress with sharpening both my SPSS and EXCEL skills through trial and error and leveraging my “For Dummies” books.  I am also starting to realize the importance of keeping a log of all your decisions and steps in analyzing the data because you may need to reverse them and it is very easy to forget what has been done.

In many ways I wish that I had booked two weeks off to commit to this, but I am going to stick to my plan of taking the weekend off.  My final task for today is to create a plan for the upcoming weeks.  I am looking forward to the evening, we are planning tennis and then going to a concert.  Let the fun and frolic begin!!

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Merger Detective

I have spent a good part of my stint at the library investigating the 2011 M&A activity for the organizations in my research study.  What has been surprising and challenging is the dearth of easily accessible information.  Or perhaps it is more accurate to say that I was surprised with the lack of consistency with where this data is housed.  I definitely felt like a detective as I pursued clues and encountered numerous dead ends!  The good news is that between several sources -including on-line news articles, press releases, and financial statements- I was able to obtain most of the data.  I have sent a note to a researcher who compiles credit union system data to see if she can assist with what is outstanding.

I also began reading my SPSS for Dummies book again today.  I am looking forward to importing a sub-set of my data next week and conducting some analysis.  I am not at work next week, so will devote the full week to research.  I hope to be able to complete a large amount of data analysis and also write up the findings as I go.  Even if this means I need to tweak the paper later, I need to ramp up my writing.  If I am really productive I will take next weekend as a mini-vacation.  We shall see.

I am departing now to do some groceries.  I have a friend coming over for dinner and am planning to make a vegetarian feast.  I pulled some new Indian recipes last night, so I am looking forward to it!

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Productive Day of Analysis

I have had a very productive day of analysis.  Wow, let me say it again:  I have had a very productive day of analysis!  It am really enjoying uncovering what the data has to say.  Whereas I definitely have a lot of work to do to sharpen my EXCEL and SPSS skills I currently possess some analytical ability.  Using EXCEL and PPT, I have assessed how representative my sample is of the population and undertaken  some analysis of the financial results of the companies.  I am really enjoying this stage of the research and am eager to assess the leadership styles and explore the correlations.

This week I received a short EXCEL tutoring session from a colleague at work and now have several short cuts ready to put to use.  I also received recommendations for both on-line and classroom SPSS courses so I am going to investigate these options next week.  I am travelling again for work next week so will do my best to maintain momentum, likely by doing some reading.  I  am becoming increasingly realistic about what is doable during the work week, especially given my expanded portfolio this year and the related increased travel.

I am going to depart from the library now  and pick up my partner.  It is a beautiful spring day.  It feels like there is lots of time for fun and frolic because although it is almost 6pm, it is bright and sunny outside.  If he is game hopefully we can find some tasty adult beverages and eats to enjoy.

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Marvelous Mentor Meeting

I thoroughly enjoyed my meeting with my mentor this week.  He completed his doctorate in 2011 and is a perfect balance of information and inspiration!  We discussed my progress to date and the road ahead –particularly the VIVA and publication.  In some ways this may seem a little premature, but I find that the future comes very quickly so it is helpful to  make incremental inroads into your longer-term goals.   I think what I enjoy most about him is his candour and optimism.  I am really glad that he has offered to be mentor me and I look forward to paying this forward when I finish my doctorate.

I have had a terrific day at the library.  Despite my woeful EXCEL skills I managed to create a very solid spreadsheet.  I have compiled key YOY financial data and  completed some rudimentary analysis.  I feel very proud of myself.  Interestingly, I was able to leverage the EXCEL for Dummies book after-all.  I also set up a two hour tutorial for next which I am looking forward to.

I have work travel this week so I am going to continue to try and tackle administrative academic tasks during the week.  This is the most realistic approach because of my limited time.  Again, I will try and do a few hours of reading and am committed to getting in my tennis and workouts in as well.  Overall, I am not devoting as much time as I would like to my research but I feel like I am becoming increasingly productive with the time that I have.

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EXCEL 2007 Course…

I returned my EXCEL 2010 this morning and was able to purchase a 2007 version at another book store. This is the good news. The not so good news is that after spending an hour skimming through the book I realized that I need to take a course! A classroom is a better fit for my learning style and current need. After the course I can use the book as a reference guide. I also contacted a tutor that I used a few years ago and hope to meet with him for troubleshooting as needed.

After searching for some distribution charts for 15minutes this morning I had to concede that I must have neglected to save then last Saturday –grrr!! Fortunately they did not take too long to recreate and I was able to do some additional analysis of non-respondents. So although I have a lot of to re-learn before I get into deep data analysis, I have enough knowledge of EXCEL and PPT to make progress with some high level analysis. This is good to keep the momentum going. I have also spent time updating some spreadsheets because I have the tendency to make updates to hard copies which is not ideal.

I spent much of the work week addressing logistical matters such as flights/hotel for upcoming colloquia. Thankfully I have also booked a week off of work in April to focus on data analysis and writing. I have been pretty zonked after worked so have not had the energy to do a lot in the evenings. I am hoping to get back to doing some reading during the work week, even if it is a few hours.

I am travelling for work this week and also have a meeting scheduled with and academic mentor. He recently complete his DBA and is both knowledgeable and kind, I am looking forward to seeing him. I am also going to try and connect with my cohort in April so that I keep the academic energy flowing.

One more hour at the library and then off to some errands. It is a beautiful day so I am looking forward to getting some fresh air and some sunshine!

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EXCEL for Dummies…

You know that you are in trouble when you buy an EXCEL for Dummies book only to discover that you have an older version of EXCEL!!  I am departing shortly for the bookstore to see if they have a 2007 version…  Getting up to speed in both SPSS and EXCEL is going to be a significant challenge for me over the next few months. These tools were never my forte but I achieved a reasonable level of competency during my MSc.  Unfortunately, my skills have become rusty from lack of usage.  That said, I was able to do some basic descriptive analysis of my data and I am excited by what was completed today.

On the work-life front things have been very challenging and stressful.  I made a decision to take a “time-out” from some life issues to give myself some breathing space.  This was a very important and good decision because I was taking on accountability that was not mine and was becoming quite overwhelmed.

My research plans for the next few weeks is to get stuck in.  I will take a week off work soon so that I can focus on data analysis and writing. I am also going to finalize my 2012 colloquium schedule and confirm meetings with both of my supervisors in April.  Having
some firm deadlines to present my research and provide updates is going to be
useful for me because I need to ramp up!

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