Almost There

This is a quick post because pizza and beer are calling! I have been chipping away at my amendments. Unsurprisingly, they are taking longer than planned, partially because it is requiring me to remember, and in some cases relearn, some concepts! I had a productive stint at the library today and hope to be complete after dedicating another full day of effort to this task.

Following the completion of the amendments, I will do another read through to ensure that the thesis flows well given the changes made. My final task will be to double check the page references of the amendments summary to ensure everything is accurate. I will then submit to the internal examiners and await his response to the changes.  Hopefully, everything will be fine and I will move on to the binding process –now, that will be fun!!!

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Amendments Enroute to Toronto

It is 215pm on Saturday and I am on a train heading back to Toronto. I had a lot of fun volunteering yesterday at a charity golf tournament that my Dad runs in Ottawa. It requires juggling, but I am committed to continuing to squeeze in time to give back to community.

I have been working steadily on my amendments since I boarded the training at 1030 and have made solid progress. I still have a good deal to do so I plan to take three days of vacation next week to complete the amendments because, due to work travel, I am unable to dedicate time to my thesis during the week. Even though my vacation days are dwindling, I am very focused on completed this last stage of my doctoral journey in a timely fashion. The reality that graduation is in September is an additional motivating factor!

I have been recently reflecting on the reality that the learning at each stage post the initial thesis submission is substantial. I learned a great deal more about my research topic and sharpened my quantitative methodology knowledge preparing for my VIVA. The VIVA itself had an exponential learning impact in terms of deepening my awareness of how much I did know and introducing me to some new concepts, connections, and methods. Now, as I complete my amendments, I find myself reflecting more about my topic and acquiring new knowledge. Pretty cool. That said, it will feel great when I submit the final thesis and then, hopefully, receive confirmation that the changes are acceptable. Definitely a long and winding road!!!

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VIVA Triumph!!

July 8 is the day that I triumphed over the final hurdle of my doctoral journey –the VIVA! This final oral examination was tough and long -3.5 hours. Suffice it to say I had a very rich dialogue with the examiners and I felt challenged, stimulated, and very fatigued by the end! That said, my research and preparation stood me in good stead and I performed well. I responded to all of the questions and, at times, engaged in collegial debate with my examiners which was a good feeling.

I am now focused on completing the “minor amendments” that arose from the examination. I technically have 4 months to complete these amendments but my aim is to submit the revisions for review during the first week in August. This should allow me to graduate in September.

So the journey to my doctorate is almost over. It is a weird feeling, but very cool. More on this after I get through the amendments!

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I have had a very full week and a productive day at the library. Like June, I have a good deal of travel planned for July so I have to be extra organized to keep work, projects at home, and research on track!

I am departing shortly from the library. My final task is to summarize all of the NEW edits that have arisen from my recent “end-to-end” read of my thesis. Kaizen has been in full effect because I have discovered some additional enhancements. I can easily see that if one is a perfectionist final thesis submission would never occur. Thank goodness my rescheduled VIVA is in July. I am looking forward to it!

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Father’s Day Fun

It has been a terrific weekend. No trip to the library today as I went home for the weekend for Father’s Day. I had a great deal of fun with my family. I have been reading some papers on the return trip and am bone tired now!  I am signing off now because I will arrive back in the city in ten minutes.

Same drill next weekend as we have another family celebration. I am not overly concerned about my losing ground because I am still chipping away at my VIVA preparation and making good progress.

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Leadership Galore!!

I have one more hour left at the library. I had a late start this morning but have made decent progress. I am generally feeling fatigued because I had a very full week at work hosting “Create the Future”, a leadership conference for leaders at Meridian. It was centered on innovation and the anecdotal and initial feedback was very positive. I look forward to reviewing the formal feedback, via survey, in two weeks. I feel very proud of what was accomplished with a small, but mighty, project team as well as external speakers and support staff. So, in short, I was focused on leadership ALL week at work!!

Today, I have been focused on summarizing recent literature and getting a better sense of my examiners. I am going to pull a few more papers and then head out. I have to be VERY focused for the next two weekends because I will be travelling for family celebrations and therefore will have to use my available time very wisely!!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools, VIVA Preparation | Leave a comment

Getting Things Done

I spent almost three hours at Kinko’s last night getting copies of my thesis and publications printed according to Reading specifications! They have now been shipped and should arrive at Henley on Tuesday for distribution to the examiners. Suffice it to say, I slept late and did not arrive at the library until noon today.

Despite the late start, I have made good progress. I am going to take a short lunch break now and then do some research on my examiners. I plan to depart by 5pm today as I have to pick up some plants for the garden and then hit the tennis court at 7pm with my partner –I love summer!!!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools, VIVA Preparation | Leave a comment

Productive Day Despite Multiple Challenges!

This will be a quick post because I have been delayed trying to obtain internet access and have been thoroughly thwarted!  There have been several unexpected challenges today but I will not document them here as I am in a rush.  Suffice it to say I am very pleased with my productivity despite the hurdles.

A key accomplishment was the completion of new analysis in SPSS in anticipation of possible questions at VIVA. I was also very pleased, and relieved, to get some new VIVA dates.  The timing is much later than I had hoped for but at least the dates are now finalized.

I have a lot to do between VIVA prep, thinking about future publications, and work. I also have several family events in June and July which are going to be fun so I know that this summer is going to fly by.  My game plan is to stay the course with what I need to do and enjoy the ride!

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Continuous Improvement…

It is another lovely sunny day and I am at the library. I have had a productive stint here and will be departing shortly to complete some errands and then will be playing tennis with my partner –yeah!!

It continues to be especially busy at work, but thank-fully I have hired a new Director. Once she has been on-boarded my workload should ease somewhat. I am also fully engaged in preparing for our annual Leadership Offsite. I am spearheading some new, innovative approaches and ideas for this event which is exciting.

I am still awaiting confirmed VIVA dates but am fully committed to optimizing my time by dedicating some energy to some continuous improvement.  I am not going overboard, but in addition to the list of “typos” that I already have, I am creating an “Enhancements Document” that will list 3 or 4 areas that can be strengthened in the thesis .  For example, one enhancement is a slightly reworded abstract. Another enhancement is expanding my section on feminist theory. If the examiners also flag these opportunities with their feedback then I will be ahead. If they do not raise these topics I will make the suggestions nonetheless as I think they will improve the thesis.  If they agree with my suggestions then I will make the changes.

It is time to depart now and catch some of the sun rays!!


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Plan B

Last weekend I took a break from VIVA prep, and instead spent time with my parents for Mother’s Day which was lovely.  It feels like a long time since my last post likely because a lot has happened practically and emotionally related to my postponed VIVA. Unfortunately, I still do not have a confirmed set of new examiners, nor a new date, which is disappointing. However, today I created my “Path to VIVA Plan B” document and feel pretty good about it. I will work the plan until the details of the VIVA are finalized and then adjust it accordingly.

The other task that I completed today was listening to the final 60 minutes of  my April 27 Mock VIVA and taking detailed notes. I am so glad that I recorded it using my iPhone!! Overall, I was am very pleased with how I performed and suspect this has contributed to my positive and accepting attitude about my circumstances. There are definitely a few areas that I want to tighten up, but listening to the audio confirmed for me that I am in very good shape. My next steps, summarized on Plan B, are focused on keeping my thinking fresh and shoring up some areas so that I can be STELLAR in the VIVA.

It is a beautiful spring day so I am going to do another 90 minutes of work, and then head out into the sunshine!

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