Murphy’s Law…

It is a beautiful sunny Saturday and I am back at the library. Although this has been my typical routine I did not plan to be here today. My VIVA was scheduled for last Wednesday,  and so I had anticipated being engaged in some type of celebratory activity today. Unfortunately, despite all of my diligent plans and preparation, including a good Mock VIVA on Monday afternoon at Henley, my VIVA did not take place. Shocking but true!

My VIVA was scheduled for April 29th at 10am and I was waiting in the designated room from 930am. At about 1045 I was informed that the examiners had determined that they were not well equipped to examine my thesis and that it would have to be rescheduled with two new examiners. It is still not completely clear to me what happened, but from what I have been told there were a shared knowledge gap between the examiners that did not become clear until they arrived to confer prior to the actual VIVA. Murphy’s Law in full effect! So, I am now in a holding pattern until a new date is established. Sigh!

I have spent most of the day reviewing the audio tape of my Mock VIVA which was very heartening because it highlighted that I responded well to most of the questions. My reason for listening to it is not solely to boost my confidence, but also to highlight what I need to do in the actual VIVA.  I am really hoping that I get a new date by the end of next week.

Posted in Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools, VIVA Preparation | Leave a comment

Final Preparation

It is 543pm and I have had a very productive day! I created a Top 35 List of key references that are especially relevant for the types of VIVA questions that I have answered so far. I also created a list of amendments that need to be made to my thesis –mostly typos – and I will discuss these changes with the examiners after I receive their feedback.

It has been a very full week. Via Skype, I presented at the Oslo Mini-Colloquium on Monday, and also had a Mock-VIVA with my supervisor on Wednesday. Both events were very useful for my VIVA preparation. Generally, I found that my nerves abated after the first minute or so, and that I was able to comfortably answer the questions. My focus is to become more succinct with my responses, and to reference more research –hence, the Top 35 list.

It is a beautiful sunny day so I am heading out shortly. I cannot believe that in one week I will be preparing to travel to the UK. Time flies!!!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Feedback From Academics, Supervisor, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Tips and Tools, VIVA Preparation | Leave a comment

Sunny Day!

It is 6:07 pm and I am leaving the library in sunshine –yeah!!! It has been a fairly solid week of preparation. I finalized the deck for my upcoming Oslo colloquium, via Skype, and submitted it late last night.

My focus today has been on several areas. First, re-reading my industry and academic publications. Once again, I noted a few typos which really smarts! That said the review reminded me that I have conducted solid and useful research, not just based on my opinion, but on the opinion of academics and industry practitioners. This is definitely an accomplishment to be proud of. I also created brief summaries of all of the recent literature that I have been reviewing.  The rest of the day has been focused on answering VIVA questions. I am about 25% complete, but already I can see that there is overlap in the questions. This likely means that things are going to really speed up when I get to the 50% completion spot because I will be likely cut and paste responses that I have already written.

I have taken Monday off work to complete the responses to the remaining VIVA questions  so that I am prepared for my first mock VIVA. This will take place via Skype on Wednesday morning with my supervisor. I am feeling a definite level of anxiety about it but feel excited as well.

It is 6:21 pm now, time to catch some rays!

Posted in Colloquia, Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Supervisor, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools, VIVA Preparation | Leave a comment

Progress But Behind Plan –Again!!!

This is another uber quick post. My plan for a full day at the library was not to be because of some personal matters. Instead I ended up squeezing in three 90 minutes stints of work in between some family duties!  The good news is that I was able to provided needed family support and now have finished all of my chapter summaries. This work was important not only so I have a easy to review summary to reference but also because I discovered some edits that I need to make. Most of the edits are typos and rephrasing, but I also discovered that that I should add one my hypothesis –ouch! It is not a huge omission but I should have caught this before, and will be prepared to speak to this at my VIVA.

Fortunately, after many phone calls and emails, I have managed to have my jury duty rescheduled to August. This along with scheduling my travel and accommodation required effort over the past week, but thankfully all of my logistics are finalized now including two mock vivas.

The not so good news is that I am behind scheduled with responding to VIVA questions! Oh well, I will need to catch up by completing some work in the evenings. I have to sign off now because this coffee shop is closing in 10 minutes!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools, VIVA Preparation | Leave a comment

Late April VIVA and Jury Duty!

What a week this has been! I received confirmation on my VIVA date, which, to my dismay, overlaps with the summons that I received recently for jury duty! This means that I spent several days working to understand the process and supporting documents required to get my jury duty rescheduled. I am awaiting the decision but think things should work out.

I have one more thesis chapter to summarize and then my focus will be on answering sample VIVA questions. While creating the 1-page thesis chapter summaries I have also been reflecting and documenting my views on the strengths and weaknesses of my thesis. This work will likely help with responding to the VIVA questions.

Today is going to be a short day as I am heading out for fun and frolic with my partner tonight. There is nothing like time constraints to create focus. I have one hour left and I AM going to complete the last chapter summary!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools, VIVA Preparation | Leave a comment

Typos and Wording Edits…

I have now reviewed and summarized three of my thesis chapters. Generally speaking I am pleased with what is written but I have been noting some typos and sentences that can be expressed more clearly. My hope is that I am catching them all and so will be prepared for the examiners commentary in this regard.

This week I also created a very long list of VIVA questions, and, whereas I have not begun to respond to them, I have been thinking about my answers. Also, I solicited and received feedback from recent graduates of the DBA program who provided similar advice, practice, practice, practice, with the VIVA questions and know your thesis inside out –my marching orders are clear!

Posted in Advice, Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools | Leave a comment

VIVA Presentation

It is 7:37 pm and I am glad to be going home after a highly productive day.  I focused on three things. First, I created a 10 slide deck that I can present at my VIVA. The deck provides an overview of my background, both as a researcher and industry practitioner, and a high level summary of the research study. My aim is to present it at the beginning of my VIVA which, based on what I have reviewed, is fairly standard practice. Second, I sent a progress update email to my supervisors. Third, I reviewed the Introduction Chapter of my thesis and wrote a ½ page summary of what the chapter is about.

I am tired and heading home now -yeah! I am traveling for work next week, so I am going to set a reasonable target for the week which will be to simply review and summarize my Conclusion Chapter because it is fairly short in length. Next Saturday, I will tackle Chapter 2 and focus on answering more of the “VIVA questions” that I have summarized from various sources.

Posted in Dissertation, Supervisor, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools, VIVA Preparation, Writing | Leave a comment

Clean Up Highlights HUGE Effort!

It took a lot of effort to clean up the files in my office this week. There was so much paper!! I now have all of my literature organized by thesis chapter and have identified core papers that I need to review more deeply as part of my VIVA preparation.

As I reviewed, and culled, the mounds of paper I was amazed by how much effort has been undertaken on this thesis journey. There were so many dimensions to learning key skills. For example, as I cleaned up my files I was struck by how many advisors, formal learning, and self-study was involved to develop my quantitative skill-set. At UofT and Henley there were five professors at different junctures (Doug, Walid, Oleysa, Harry, and Phil).  I also had three different tutors at different stages (a quant whiz who was completing his MBA, a PhD student, and a PhD who is a quant expert).  Finally, in addition to the Henley workshops, I completed 4  SPSS workshops and purchased 5 books, watched numerous on-line tutorials, and leveraged numerous quant sites to answer questions and reinforce my understanding. Wow!!

My other take-away from this week is that the VIVA is a big undertaking. Based on my review of the types of questions that may be asked, my sense is it is about two overlapping things at the core. First, explaining/defending the research that you have presented in your thesis. Second, showing your academic expertise by responding to questions not directly covered in your thesis. For example, who has most influenced your thinking as a researcher? The preparation is actually taking the learning and research to another level as you think and prepare which is simultaneously interesting and daunting.

The good thing about VIVA preparation is that, based on my project plan, there is at least another six weeks of very solid preparation required but the pace is reasonable.  For example, today I will likely spend about 6hours at the library instead of the 10-12hour days that I was logging in recent months. I just need to stay focused though and continue to squeeze in an additional three nights of work during the week as well. Typically one to two hours. Back to work now!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools, VIVA Preparation | Leave a comment

Thesis Submission -February 17 2015!

It is a sunny Saturday in Toronto and I am at the library for my regular stint. I feel fantastic because last Tuesday I submitted my thesis!! It continues to feel strange because it has been such a long journey, with so many adjusted timelines, that I can’t quite believe that this stage of the doctorate has been completed. Yet, on the table in front of me is a bound 263 page thesis with the University of Reading seal, entitled: “A Study of Relationships Between Gender, Self-Perceptions of Transformational Leadership, Leadership Outcomes, and Promotion in Canadian Credit Unions”. Wow!!

A few years ago a recent DBA graduate told me that the last year of her doctorate had been a real grind, but then she just knew that it was good enough to submit. My experience was similar.  Over the last few weeks, I have been editing the chapters to tighten up the writing, grammar, punctuation, and formatting, and then I knew that it was time to submit. It is not perfect, but I am confident that it is a very good piece of research, and I am proud of my submission. In short, I knew that it was time to submit.

After submission I enjoyed a short mini-break at the spa with a girlfriend who just completed her MA. We had a terrific time and it was really nice to celebrate our achievements with some fun and relaxation.

My focus for the next few weeks is to prepare for my VIVA which I hope will take place in mid-March. Today I am going to update my VIVA preparation plan and start to complete the tasks. It is going to be important to maintain the momentum over the next few weeks because despite submitting the thesis, which is a  huge achievement, the doctoral journey is still not complete. I need to stay focused because I want to finish STRONG!!!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, VIVA Preparation, Writing | Leave a comment


I am heading home after a very productive day at the library.  I am very CLOSE to completing my thesis.  It is a somewhat surreal experience now.  Today was devoted to integrating final from my supervisor and refining the content.  I also devoted a great deal of time to formatting. I really understand the benefit of not consolidating the document until you are almost done, because the ENDNOTES and WORD integration is far less effective (e.g. slow and WORD sometimes simply shuts down!!)  I was also fortunate to receive help from the IT team at Reading via emails this week which was invaluable because the template can be tricky.

I am heading home now for a well deserved glass of wine and dinner.  Tomorrow I will take another look at content and make final improvements.  Fortunately, I went to FedEx this morning so have printed version of what the final product looks like and it looks good!!  Looking at the research in this format has made me smile all day!!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Finalizng The Thesis, Supervisor, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment