It is REALLY Coming Together!

Taking Friday and Monday off work was a good decision.  I dedicated very long days and nights to revisions and it has paid very good dividends.  It is Monday night at 7:42pm and I am heading home for some dinner and relaxing.  I just forwarded the integrated document to my supervisors and I feel great!

I have a lot of formatting and editing to do over the next few days, including a review of my references.  I am back at work tomorrow but should be able to tackle these tasks in the evenings with the goal of having a very clean thesis, and Appendices, by Friday night.  My focus on Saturday will be to another read through with “fresh eyes” and complete some final tweaks.  I plan to submit on Monday, February 16!!!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Finalizng The Thesis, Supervisor, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

The Grind Continues

It has been a very intense week. I was working until 2am three a.m. for three nights in a row in my quest to complete Chapter 3.  This was tough because I had a very full work week, so I was pretty zonked throughout the week. I finally completed Chapter 3 revisions  on Thursday night, four days behind plan.

Today I spent 12 hours at the library.  My focus was first on reviewing my “end game” notes and organizing the many pile of paper that I have been accumulating. I then focused on reviewing and applying proof-reading edits (mostly punctuation and some formatting).  The day flew by.

My focus next week is to continue proof reading edits and formatting changes. I should receive feedback from my supervisor by mid-week and I will make final tweaks. I plan to take Friday and next Monday off work and my focus will be to read make final edits and then combine the chapters into one document.  I am getting close, but there is still a great deal of work to do!!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Feedback From Academics, Finalizng The Thesis, Supervisor, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

No Gas Left In The Tank!

It is 730pm and I am heading home.  I have put in a solid day of work at the library.  I spent about 3 hours pulling together the criteria for thesis submission from multiple university sources.  It took a more effort than planned but is worthwhile because now I have a comprehensive checklist of the requirements that I must meet prior to submission.   I also have a much better understanding of the VIVA process ahead.

I have not made as much progress as I would have liked on Chapter 3 today.  Thankfully I am not travelling for work next week so I should be able to complete some writing in the evenings.  I will definitely be in full court press mode next week.  I am departing from the library now because I am TIRED!!!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Finalizng The Thesis, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

Somewhat Back On Track

This is going to be quick because it is 937pm and the library is closing soon.  I have had a very productive week!  I managed to finalize my Chapter 5 revisions on Wednesday before returning to work which was a huge win.  Today I have been at the library all day and night and working on my Research Methodology, Chapter 3.  I have a lot of revisions remaining but I am pleased with my efforts.

My supervisor has been making very good progress on organizing the required steps post-submission.  My internal and external examiners have been finalized as well as folks for my mock VIVA.  It is all coming together.

I am very aware that even after I submit Chapter 3, I still have a great deal of polishing and refining to do because I will now be in the position to look at the thesis as a whole document.  I suspect that I will need to take time off in early February to finalize my submission.  I am also planning a mini-vacation post submission with my girl-friend who is completing her MA.  This will allow me to enjoy some well-deserved rest and relaxation before preparing for the VIVA.  Also a great incentive for me to keep pushing hard for the next three weeks.

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Finalizng The Thesis, Supervisor, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

Chapter 2 Revamp: Lengthy Process!

This is going to be very short post.  I am NOT a good estimator or chapter revisions.  I had planned to complete  revisions to my Literature Review on Monday.  This task took five more days than I planned –yikes!!

That said, the chapter is vastly improved which is what matters most.  I have three more days off work and will use the time to revise my Conclusion chapter.  Once this is complete I will have one more substantial revamp outstanding which is the Research Methodology, Chapter 3.  Time for dinner now and some a well-deserved sleep!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Finalizng The Thesis, Literature Review, Research Study, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

Academic Publication –Woohoo!

This is a great way to end 2014.  I recently learned that my article was published in the Journal of International Doctoral Research –woohoo!!  This has definitely provided some “wind in my sails” as I enter the final weeks  of VERY heavy lifting in order to meet my January 31st submission deadline for my thesis.  This also means that I can list that I have successfully published both in the academic AND industry realm in my thesis.   I think that there is an official place to do this, but I will need to find out the proper approach.  This is tangible evidence that my research has contributed  to both theory and practice -sweet!!

I just realized that I should mention the reason why I have not posted for the past few weeks.  I had to travel unexpectedly to the US.  When I returned from my trip my partner and I were fully engaged in Christmas.  The holidays have been terrific.  We hosted a lovely pre-Christmas dinner with family and friends and then we travelled to Ottawa on Christmas eve to spend time with my parents and family.  Lots of good fellowship, frolic and EATING!!!

I am signing off now to get ready for New Year’s Eve festivities.  It has been a wonderful 2014, full of joy, challenges, and learning.  I am feeling both grateful, peaceful and ahem –pretty tired!!  A beach vacation is definitely in order after I defend….

Posted in Dissertation, Finalizng The Thesis, Publishing, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Tips and Tools, White Paper, Writing | Leave a comment

Reframing Chapter 2

It has been another especially busy week at work so I only managed to squeeze in a few hours of research during the week. Also, my partner and I are enjoying Christmas preparation and festivities.  In fact, I have to depart shortly as we have a party this evening and I also have to get my Christmas cards in the mail!

Although my stint today at the library has been very short, it has been highly productive.  I have essentially reframed Chapter 2, by rewriting the introductory 2 pages.  The chapter now aligns better with the revised Chapter 1 and has a much needed addition of critical discussion.

I have three vacation days next week and my aim is to now “fill in the new frame” by reordering the existing content, excluding  sections, and adding more critical discussion from the existing literature.  I have some of this critical perspective already but I will also need to get more.  Suffice it to say I have a busy three days ahead!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Finalizng The Thesis, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

Two Down Three To Go!

I have finally finished revisions to Chapter 1.  My focus for the next three weeks will be on Chapter 2 and 3.  It will be terrific if I can complete them before Christmas.  I have to dash now because I am playing tennis at 7pm.  Longer post next week!!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Finalizng The Thesis, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Writing | Leave a comment

Topsy Turvy Day

It is 1154pm and I am zonked.  My day was quite atypical.  I had to visit a friend this morning going through a difficult time which resulted in a mid-day start to my research.  I had a delicious breakfast at noon and then went to work instead of the library.  It was a productive afternoon, but quite short because I had a tennis match at 7pm.  Tennis was great fun and then I picked up some Japanese take-out.  I enjoyed some chillax time before resuming edits to Chapter 4.  I am finally done!

I hope to finalize Chapter 1 over the next few weeks and then have three vacation days before Christmas to focus on revisions to Chapter 2 and 3.

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Finalizng The Thesis, Surviving the DBA, Thesis, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

Almost, But Not Quite

I have to be quick.  STILL working on finalizing Chapter 4!!  I had to unexpectedly redo and confirm some analysis which was time consuming today.  It is amazing how one forgets small, but important steps, when you have not been in SPSS in a while…

Nonetheless, I am pleased with my progress today and looking forward to heading home now.  My partner is picking me up in 5 minutes and we are going to have dinner –take-out!!  I should be able to finalize Chapter 4 next week.

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