Three More Papers…

This is a quick post because I have dinner plans and need to depart in five minutes!  I had a late start to my day at the library but have worked hard.   I read and input most of my outstanding papers into my Draft II Framework.  I have three more left and will read and then input them into the framework tomorrow.

I have taken four days off work next week to focus on writing!!!  An important highlight from this week is that I had some email dialogue with an academic in my field of study and may have secured an external examiner.  This is very good news and I am looking forward to getting input from my supervisors.  I will write a longer post next weekend!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Supervisor, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

Game of Inches

This will be a very quick post because the library closes in five minutes.  I have had a productive day, I read and then input all of the papers that I had been accumulating over the past few months into my Draft 2 Framework.  My next task was to compile a final list of papers to print and read  based on the papers that I had read today!  I completed this task and then printed them off using the university database which provides better access to articles than my access from home.  I now have a new “final batch” to review and align to the framework.  I plan to complete this work next Saturday and then execute my Draft 2 framework.  Writing will soon be in full effect!!

Overall, this second draft continues to be a very slow process!!!  My work-life balance continues to make focus on research difficult, but I am making small efforts when I can.  For example, I had two business trips this week, but managed to squeeze in 30-45minutes of research on 3 nights.  Sounds like a small achievement but it really is a “game of inches” right now and maintaining momentum is key.

It is a beautiful sunny day so I am happy to leave the library.  My brother is in town so we are taking him out to dinner tonight.

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

How Slow Can You Go?

It is almost 4pm and I have had a particularly slow day at the library.  In retrospect  I should have simply taken the day off because I am very fatigued!  The week was unexpectedly hectic because I returned from visiting my family in Ottawa for the weekend and then immediately needed to travel for work.  Also, another family member is grappling with some health issues so we were providing support this week which resulted in very late nights.  I decided to come to the library today to “catch up” but it may not have been the best decision given my productivity levels.  Oh well.  Thankfully recovery for both family members looks promising and this is what matters most.

So while things were slow today I did manage to complete some tasks.  My focus has been to continue to work on updating my Draft 2 Revisions Plan and I have about 10 more papers to put in the appropriate sections.  “The Plan” is about 25 pages long now and essentially contains the main arguments/messages/insights, along with the appropriate supporting literature for each chapter.  In other words, it is the framework for revising my thesis and includes more critical thinking, better sequencing of ideas,  and highlights the  “value add” of my research.

Over the next week, I am aiming to do two things.  First, take a final look at the document and add any additional insights and second, create a new shell for my Introduction and Literature Review.  I hope to complete this by next Friday and then take the weekend off.  I clearly need a break!!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

Methodological Muddiness

I am feeling very frustrated right now because I am fully realizing the folly of exploring too many questions in your research!  I have just completed effect size calculations using two approaches with similar results, but there are some slight differences that I need to consider which are making things muddy.  This could be the start of a methodological contribution but right now it is simply hurting my head!!

Overall, I have worked very hard this week.  I am continuing to focus on things that I don’t like to do.  For example, spending a great deal of time mapping out a detailed framework for the second drafts of my chapters, for example sequencing, key arguments and themes, summary tables and papers to cite.   It is taking a long time but it is going to pay dividends once I am done.

My biggest challenge continues to be acceptance of the time required for quality research!!


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Overdue Post and a Key Learning

It is the third day into my vacation and I finally have time to create this post!!  I have been working hard to complete a good second draft of Chapter 4 and update my abstract.  I had adjusted the deadline for these two tasks several times and still required an additional week to complete them!!  The delay was largely due to some errors discovered in my data analysis and a great deal of unforeseen effort required to clean up my Appendices which actually account for over 60 pages.

My next priority is to refine my framework for the second draft of my Chapter 2 and Chapter 5.  Although I have now fully accepted that I am not a good estimator I still am going to aim to complete both of these chapters before I return to work.  This will be heavy lifting for certain, but I still embrace the “shoot for the moon” philosophy!

There is one key learning that has been reinforced for me over the past few weeks.  I am generally in the habit of summarizing my accomplishments for the week and particularly on Saturday.  Unfortunately, for a range of reasons I have not been able to do this a regularly for the past two weeks and I have been reminded that it really makes a difference!  Because there is so much happening between life, work, and research, I very  quickly forget what I have done if I neglect to track it.  I then felt “bummed out” when I look at my project plan, which is has a “yellow status” and wonder what the heck I have been doing!!

So the bottom line is this:  It is essential to list your accomplishments to maintain your momentum and sense of achievement, particularly when you are a poor estimator of the duration required to actually complete tasks.  Listing what you HAVE done is a really positive, and necessary, reinforcement as you pursue the doctorate versus simply focusing on how you are tracking against plan.

I have to sign off now because I have a tennis ball machine booked for 5pm -woohoo!! I am going to devote my remaining 15 minutes to planning for tomorrow so I can hit the ground running in the morning.

Posted in Data Analysis, Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Literature Review, Research Study, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

Reversing Some Errors

The library is closing in 10 minutes, this will be another quick post!!  My week was very busy again between work and family support so I did not make any research progress.  Fortunately I had a productive day today although I had to dedicate about 90 minutes to rerunning some analysis because I discovered that I had neglected to deselect the “select cases” option in SPSS.  They warn you about this in the statistics text books and I am normally pretty good with this, but clearly not this time!!

Overall it has been a productive day.  I am hoping to do some additional work in the evenings next week so that I can complete my second draft of Chapter 4 and then focus on revising my Literature Review next week.  I must say that the writing is flowing a lot more easily and I am feeling good about my research.

Yesterday I received a copy of the AOM Journal yesterday and scanned a few random articles while eating dinner on the deck last night.  As I was closing the journal I found myself enjoying a “secret smile” as I realized that I had unconsciously read the articles “normally” and I was struck by the fact that when I began the DBA academic writing felt like a completely foreign language to me.  I guess this means that I am becoming bilingual!!

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Split Shift

I am typing this post in a park near my house!!  It is 730pm and I thought that it would be prudent to do a brief “second shift” to wrap up my research for the day.  I completed my first shift, from 930am-430pm at the library, where I focused on making revisions to Chapter 4.  I then met with my sister in a park downtown. It was lovely to catch up with her.

Overall, it was a very hectic week.  I was in Ottawa for a few days to support my family and then in the Muskokas for work.  I am looking forward to heading home now and chillaxing!

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Slow Again, But Progress Nonetheless

I continue to be in a bit of a “game of inches” mode with my dissertation.  My personal and work life continue to draw a great deal of time and energy.  As a result, research was very slow this week.  Today, my library stint is abridged as I have to do some personal errands.  On the positive side, I have managed to get some writing and editing completed.  This slow trend will continue for a few more weeks.  Hopefully I can get back into the “research zone” by the end of June.

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More Productive Than I Thought

This is a very quick note because the library will close shortly.  It has been a very intense week at work, a trend that will likely continue for the next six weeks because we are short staffed.  Between work and providing family support I feel that my research focus has slipped considerably.

That said, upon reflection I realize that I have been more productive than I initially thought.  On Tuesday I had the pleasure of catching up with a fellow DBA for dinner as he was in Toronto for a few hours before catching a return flight to England.  It was a great deal of fun to see him and really good to discuss progress and ideas.  Also, I was able to collect some quantitative feedback on my research while in Vancouver last week for a work conference.  This week I  took advantage of a similar opportunity when I met with a vendor to discuss an on-line career transition solution for my employer.  So even though I was not writing I have been progressing as a researcher.

The above notwithstanding, I have adjusted my timelines accordingly for the upcoming months and I still need to find a way to squeeze in some additional productivity.  We shall see what can work.

Posted in Advice, Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Writing | Leave a comment

Great News!

A very quick note to say that the health matter that my family member was grappling with is  not as bad as initially feared.  The last few weeks have been very stressful but we received some good news yesterday.  There are a series of hurdles in the upcoming months but hopefully all will be clear by the end of the summer.

I should be back in the library next Saturday with an update on research, which has been slower than planned given the circumstances.

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