Gardening and Godzilla

I took last weekend off and travelled home to see my Mum for Mother’s Day.  It was an especially lovely visit because all of my siblings returned home as well.  So along with spouses and kids it was a full house and there was lots of love and laughter.

This week has been very hectic at work and stressful on the family front due to some possibly very serious health issues.  I am praying for good news on the health front and trying to be as supportive as I can.   Because of these two factors my research progress was slow.  I have taken some vacation days and so will have 5 dedicated days to get some traction on my research.

I am now in Day 2 of 5 and have completed the first task which was to revise the Data Analysis and Findings Chapter.  My focus for the next three days will be on revising my literature review.  I still have some reflecting and planning to do here, but I have a better sense of what I want to say about the literature now, which is very important.  The biggest challenge is to cull because there is so much written on my central topics:  gender, leadership, and the “glass ceiling”.

I am departing shortly to do some gardening.  Weeds are taking over everywhere!!  On a more fun note, I am also planning to see the new Godzilla this weekend with my partner.  I hope that this is the first of many entertaining summer blockbusters because I love going to the movies and non-cerebral films are particularly satisfying these days!!


Posted in Advice, Data Analysis, Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Literature Review, Research Study, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

Plugging Away

I have had a very intense week between research, work, and my personal life.  I did well to get through and I am looking forward to some R&R tonight and tomorrow.  I presented at the Oslo Colloquium on Tuesday morning and received positive feedback and very useful suggestions.  Other than that I was juggling a great deal of work travel and volume as well as multiple personal matters.  It is so important to have trusted advisors and they were a huge help this week.

Today I focused on revising Chapter 4.  Rerunning analysis to reflect a refinement to a variable label and tidying up the thesis content by using the Appendices more liberally.  It was slow progress.

I am signing off now.  My husband is picking me up shortly and we are getting take-out for dinner.  It is the small pleasures that can be so satisfying!!

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Feeling Joyous

I am feeling quite joyous and pleased with my progress.  I have had the week off work and have focused exclusively on research.  I now have a much clearer picture of what the “story” of my research should be and have created a revised thesis structure aligned with this “narrative”.  In essence, I am moving beyond the descriptive approach of the literature and my findings to a true narrative that is more compelling and integrated.  The key for me was to “cull” my thinking and ideas.  I was simply trying to share too much.  On a more practical note, I also found some new libraries and coffee shops to work from this week, which I suspect boosted my productivity and overall mood.

On Monday, I am presenting at the Oslo colloquium, via Skype, on before I start my day at the office.  I also have some work travel and some volunteer tasks to complete so the week is going to fly by.

I am heading our now to pick up some flowers and cake.  My sister is coming over and we are going to make dinner together.  Great fun!

Posted in Colloquia, Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

Reflect Reread Reflect…

It is another day of slow but steady progress.  I spent an unplanned three hours this morning reading and reflecting on a seminal paper in my field.  As much as I want to move forward with revising my thesis I am increasingly conscious of the need to reflect, revisit my research and other empirical studies, and then to reflect some more.

I think that I am beginning to understand a comment that was shared during an MSc workshop: “Research is a creative process”.  This notion dovetails with recent feedback from my supervisor that I have a lot of interesting findings but now need to create a compelling and interesting story.  This is going to require patience and flexing new muscles for me.  Fun times ahead!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Supervisor, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

The Big Picture

It is 444pm and the library closes at 5pm so I this will be a brief post.  I had a very busy work week so my progress was slow on the research front.  Today I focused on completing my review of Rowena Murray’s “How To Write A Thesis”.  This was a very good use of my time.  It helped to  remind me of some fundamentals that I knew and had forgotten.  Perhaps most importantly, it helped me to remember the “big picture” of what I am trying to achieve.

I also completed a revised project plan for the next two months and had to quell so momentary panic!  There is so much to do, and so little time, given my desire to have a very strong second draft by the end of May.  I may need to adjust this goal.  In the interim I am also going to have to determine how to squeeze some additional  productivity out of the evening.

Heading out for some errands and to enjoy the lovely weather now.  So nice to not have winter boots on!!

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Nothing But The Work!!

I have spent most of my time at the library today getting my “head back into research”.  I submitted my final draft chapter to my supervisors on March 28 and enjoyed a week long break from research which has been lovely.

My key deliverable today was to create a summary document that captures my observations on what revisions are required for my next thesis draft.  It also contains the detailed feedback that I have received from my supervisors as well as a high level project plan.  I have sent this document to my supervisors for their input and to ensure that we are all aligned with my next steps.  All I can say is that there is “nothing but the work” for the next two months as there is a great deal to accomplish!

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Refine and Submit

This is going to be another fast post because I have to depart to complete some errands.  I have just completed a solid Introductory Chapter –yeah!!  I will take the next few days to refine and revise the chapter and then will submit to my supervisors on Friday.  Next weekend will be “free”, no work and no research.  I am looking forward to the break.

Overall work and life are moving along nicely.  Lots of change, but mostly in a positive direction.    Also, I am increasingly able to see the “upside” in unexpected occurrences which really helps.

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Three Sentences

It is 7pm and I have had a productive day of reading and writing.  I  am on track to have this chapter completed by next Saturday.  I will have one week to refine the chapter before I forward to my supervisors –yeah!!!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Supervisor, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment

Most Excellent Day

This will be a quick post as I have to depart to complete some errands.  It has been a great day at the library.  I arrived early and worked steadily.  I definitely felt more “in the flow” and did a reasonable level of writing.   I have two more big sections to complete and should be able to tackle both in the upcoming two Saturdays.  My focus during the week will to complete some reading and updates to my Endnote library.

I can’t believe that in about three weeks I will have a first draft of my thesis complete –wow!!

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Post Vacation Ramp Up –Slow!!!

It is 516pm and my energy level is definitely waning!  It was lovely to be off last week and I had a wonderful time visiting my parents in sunny Florida.  It was a definite adjustment returning to the cold weather and getting back to work and research.  I need to schedule another “treat” to look forward to although it needs to be relatively inexpensive given how much “retail therapy” I indulged in while I was away!

My “ramping up” this week was aided by a new edition of Leadership Quarterly that came in the mail.  It was an especially interesting because it was a 25th Anniversary Edition and had several articles that are very relevant for the Introduction Chapter that I am currently writing.  Also, the magazine format was well suited to reading in my armchair as I enjoyed a roaring fire in the living room fireplace.

Despite a decent start to the week, my stint at the library today was a definite slog.  I did manage to get some writing, research, and planning completed, but I was definitely not “in the zone”.  Hopefully next Saturday will be better.  It needs to be because I am aiming to  complete a solid draft of my Introductory Chapter by March 22 and then use the last week of March to complete final edits before I submit it to my supervisors.

I am departing shortly to do some errands with my partner, which will definitely involve a visit to Dufflet’s for cake –yum!

Posted in Dissertation, Dissertation Planning, Supervisor, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools, Writing | Leave a comment