One Down, Two To Go

I have just completed my Competence Development Plan assignment which is good.  That said, I am feeling a bit glum because I also just completed a high level plan for the next two assignments and realize how much work is ahead!  The preparation and execution of the Pilot Study is going to require a great deal of effort and the timelines are very tight.  In retrospect, I should have created a draft plan earlier because in many ways it would have made sense to start the Pilot Study in January and worked on the CDP while the study was underway.   My timeline concerns have been compounded by an unexpected trip that my partner and I need to take next week to see family members.  Of course it will be lovely to see our parents, but this is not a an ideal time to be away for 6 days.  This means that I lose research time AND work is going to be especially busy when I return because I have a lot going on their too and need to replace a staff member.  Oh well it is what it is. 

My Pilot Study will explore whether women and men lead in different ways using two methods.  The first is evaluating their leadership style, using a measure called the Multi-Factor Leadership Questionnaire.  Regression analysis will be used to test hypotheses based on existing research and theory.  The research and theory suggests that there are differences with women tending to be more transformational leaders and men more transactional.  The second method will be to conduct some semi-structured interviews with leaders to get their thoughts on the topic of gender and leadership, and also the lack of women in the senior leadership ranks of corporations.  I will then compare and contrast all of the findings and see how they align with existing theories and research.

Actually as I write this post I am starting to get excited because I am recognizing that this is it.  This is why I am doing the doctorate, to be a researcher and contribute to academic literature and business practice.  So the training wheels are coming off and I get to take my first crack at real research.  Starting to feel the positive energy flow and need to remember that “this is what it’s all about” as I am slogging through.  

The first phase of my Pilot Study is focused on preparing documents and communication that will be shared with the study participants, finalizing the MLQ questionnaire and interview guide and getting some input on my research design.   I will also need to schedule a meeting with my mentor to review everything.   My project management skills will be in full effect for the next 6 weeks!

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