Slow Start, Building Momentum

I have had a very low productivity week.  My short vacation was lovely; however, I returned to an exceedingly busy work week, which included two days of offsite meetings.  Suffice it to say that until today I had not devoted any significant time to my Pilot Study.  I did manage 30 minutes of preparation for an equally short meeting with my mentor yesterday.  Both the preparation and meeting proved to be time well spent because it forced me to get back into the “head space” of research and set me up for today, which has turned out to be a very productive 4 hours at my local coffee shop.  I was out for dinner and drinks with my partner last night, a great deal of fun, but led to a very late start to the day.  It didn’t make sense to spend an hour in travel time to/from the library.

Chief accomplishments for today are the completion of draft demographic questions for the Leadership Style Survey and a Semi-Structured Interview Template.  I have also drafted an overview of the Pilot Study to discuss with my VP on Monday, and a series of follow-up items to complete next week. For example, creating a consent form, introductory email for study participants, and exploring taping/transcribing options.   I am hoping to complete data collection from Feb 22-25, so my focus next weekend will be to fine-tune the Interview Template and begin writing components of the actual paper.  It is going to be a very busy few weeks.  Thank-fully we have a holiday on February 21 which will give me some extra time.  I am enjoying the process of pulling together the study and am eager to analyze the results.

Not much more to say.  I am heading out now to do some errands, groceries, dry cleaning etc.  I am looking forward to a quiet dinner at home tonight.  Tomorrow will be church, brunch, and relaxing.  Need to accelerate my pace next week, but overall am pleased that I am building momentum.

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