So That’s Why Academics Have Research Assistants…

I have had a very productive day at the library.  I am amazed by how many “moving parts” are associated with completing this pilot study.  I have spent the past 5 hours working on consent forms, university approval documents, and participant communication.  I had hoped to spend time revisiting my actual research design but that will have to be tackled next week.  I am starting to get a very solid understanding of why academics have research assistants, there is a lot of detail to manage even before you collect and analyze the data!!

I spent much of the week creating preliminary communication documents,  reviewing the overall pilot plan and integrating feedback from my manager at work.  I also read and reread the ethics guidelines from the university.  There is a lot to consider to ensure that you are conducting your research appropriately.   

My final task today was to create a plan with action items for each day next week.  This is the first time that I have had to manage my time on such a micro level, but it is this is starting to feel like a large project even though it is a pilot.  Weekly plans with detailed tasks will help me to stay on track. 

I am also committed to continue to balance work/life/school.  I played tennis last night and had a leisurely breakfast with my girlfriend this morning and then she dropped me off at the library.  I am departing shortly to head home for a nap before heading out for drinks and dinner with my partner.  Looking forward to adding some “fun and frolic” to a solid week at work and school.

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