Procrastination Part 2

Well it is 530pm and I am about to sign off from a focused afternoon at the Second Cup.  Unfortunately, I have not updated my research summary spreadsheet with any papers!  It is amazing how glibly I can make pronouncements about what I plan to do, but not so easy to execute… I hope to quash this procrastination by the end of July.

I have spent most of the afternoon refining my Henley Colloquium deck, essentially closing gaps that I identified last week.  The good news is that the deck is in very good shape, and I plan to submit it in a few days.  This will free me up next Saturday to do prepare for some other meetings that I will have while at Henley and to determine a list of theses to review at their library.

Overall, I have had a great week from an emotional perspective.  I received my final grade on my Research Proposal and was very pleased not just with the mark but also the feedback.  Both of my supervisors feel that I am tracking well as a researcher which is very satisfying.  I also had a highly enjoyable meeting with a Henley DBA who recently defended her dissertation.  I was able to glean a good deal about the road ahead based on her comments and advice.  I plan to have a follow-up meeting with her and also connect with another recent DBA graduate before the end of the summer.

I need to wrap up now because I have dinner plans with a girlfriend.  Upon reflection I realize that it has been an especially social day because I played tennis and had brunch with a girlfriend this morning.  I will not make a habit of this because I definitely could have been more productive academically today.  That said, it is summer and the living should be easy!!!

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