Odds and Sods

I am currently on the VIA train returning from a weekend with my family which was lovely.  Because of this personal travel and three days of business travel earlier in the week, it has not been a very productive academic week.  That said, I did manage to move some things along.  I closed the loop regarding the use of LDQ and the MLQ, conducted my first “pitch” meeting with an organization, and set up a meeting with a key stakeholder for mid-September. 

I also encountered my first significant data collection hurdle and have been reflecting on alternatives ever since.  Given other initiatives they have planned, the first organization that I met with is unable to commit all leaders to participate in the study.  We discussed some other options and additional data that they can make available which is promising.  That said, I was hoping that this first meeting would be a “slam dunk” so I was a tad disappointed.  I will see where I am at after the next few meetings and will have to adjust my research approach accordingly.

This week I received information about the graduation ceremonies for the MSc which are in late September.  I have decided not to attend.  I have already booked a vacation with my partner during this timeframe and also unexpectedly have to take a trip south in two weeks.  I look forward to receiving the degree in the mail and will definitely attend the DBA ceremony.

Plan to get back into a groove this week and enjoy being at home.

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