Getting Back in Gear II

Perhaps I should title this post “getting things done” instead.  It feels like I am often trying to get back into a rhythm.  Between work travel and family travel –I am departing on an unanticipated trip this Friday- I feel that I am constantly trying to get into a routine!   I am beginning to think that I need to let go of this “routine/rhythm” ideal and just focus on doing what I CAN do within the framework of what is occurring in any given week.

I will be departing the library in 30 minutes.  I am pleased to say that today I populated two papers in my spreadsheet and completed project planning today.  It is definitely best for me if I make this my first priority because I actually get it done.  I also then feel somewhat virtuous because I did the “icky task” and this emotion fuels me for the rest of the day.  My other accomplishments today included completing significant edits to my “Study Participant Deck”, creating a short list of papers to print before I depart, and organizing my folders.

I also spent about 30 minutes thinking about and summarizing what I have learned over the past few weeks:  data collection constraints, existing and very similar research on my topic, deepened understanding of mixed methods research.  I am increasingly beginning to see that flexibility and persistence will be important traits in the dissertation journey.  Many unexpected things have happened already and I am only a few months in!  The good thing is that my perspective is pretty upbeat.   I can see opportunities to refine my research approach and still meet my objectives of a solid contribution to theory and practice.  Let’s hope that I can maintain this positive mindset!

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