Busy week ends with “mathematical readiness”

It has been a “full court press week”.  Lots of post-vacation catching-up at work, networking, dinner with a buddy from B-school and starting winter tennis!!  I have not made any where near as much academic progress as I would have liked.  This will be compounded by my departure tomorrow afternoon for a weekend with my family.  I am looking forward to going home, but  wish I could be simultaneously at the library all day on Saturday.  Fortunately, I am taking the train so should be able to do some focused reading and thinking enroute.

I finally started ALEKS, an on-line business statistics course.  This is the good news.  The disheartening news is that the course begins with an assessment.  My score of 14/56 confirmed that I have a lot to learn.  The assessment summarized that my “mathematical readiness” is high, my understanding of descriptive statistics is low, and my knowledge of all other key business statistical concepts is nil.  Next week I will begin some of the core modules with vigour!!  I have also set up my meeting with my mentor for early November to get extra help.

Upon reflection, I realize that I did benefit from discussing my research at both my networking event and dinner.  This resulted in learning some new new perspectives of my research topic and also offers of access to additional quantitative support.  This is great.  Increasingly I am learning that, as long as you are not boring people, it is highly valuable to discuss your research whenever possible. It helps clarify your thinking as you explain your interests and progress,  and also is a great way to get new ideas.

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