MSc Business and Management Research

My degree arrived in the mail this week.  I have to admit I had a bit of an emotional moment when I opened the package.  It was good to pause and relish the achievement.  Of course, after my moment, I looked at the DBA names and thought:  “I can’t wait until my name is in that section!”  While I know intellectually that life is about the journey not the destination, emotionally I don’t always live my life in this way -too often I am rushing through the journey.  The funny thing is that I also don’t think that I celebrate the destination sufficiently either!!   Hmmm….

I have had a fairly productive week.  I submitted a research grant proposal, and had a good dialogue with a US Company that I will use for the on-line administration of my survey.  I also sent an overview of my research study to a CEO that I am meeting with next week and followed up with a key potential sponsor of my research.

I am feeling a bit zonked today. I started the indoor tennis season last night with my partner.  Also, we have some family members visiting this weekend.   It is great to see them, but it was very busy start to the morning and we are heading out for a family dinner tonight.  I am going to shorten my library stint today and head home for a nap before dinner.   Better get to work!


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