Marathon Not A Sprint

Today is Thursday and I have had a productive, albeit emotional, week so far.  I had a valuable, and humbling, meeting with my supervisor on Tuesday.  She had a lot of questions about my “elegant solution” for grappling with participant response obstacles.  The conversation highlighted a few things to me.  First, I was too quick to adopt this “elegant solution” without thoroughly thinking it through.  Second, I still don’t know the methodology used in my field of study to the degree that I should.   Third, I am pushing myself to adhere to overly aggressive time-lines instead of recognizing that the doctorate is a “marathon not a sprint”!

Sigh…  So I have let go of my plan to write 30 pages by the end of this week.  Instead, I have spent a good deal of time thinking about my research question, revising my colloquium deck and reading.  Although I had hoped to not do work this week, I have had to spend a few hours each day checking email and addressing some operational challenges.  This was prudent because I am only in the office next Monday and then in the US for a conference. 

I have also decided to maintain my commitment to have another “free day” because between research and work this week, I am feeling pretty zonked.  I will take tomorrow off and then return to the library on Saturday.  Tomorrow I am looking forward to sleeping in and perhaps going to an art gallery.

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