Colloquium #3

I am sitting at one of my favourite Toronto diner’s about to enjoy an afternoon breakfast.  I have just finished presenting at my last colloquium for 2011.  I feel an immense sense of relief and am eager to get feedback from my supervisor who was also in attendance.  I have been a tad anxious for much of the week about the presentation, but feel that it went reasonably well.  I also feel that I was able to give solid responses to most of  the questions.  That said, I plan to review the recording of the presentation to see if there are some additional learnings to be gleaned.  It was also enjoyable to listen to the other research presentations and participate in the Q&A sections.

It has been a full “learning” week because I was at a Leadership & Learning conference in the US for much of the week.  It was very stimulating to be among global Learning & Organization Development  practitioners and hear new research and ideas. 

Breakfast has arrived.  Time to eat!!

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