I am feeling a bit zonked but am committed to one more hour at the library. Thought it would be a good idea to complete this post and then resume my work. Increasingly, I am finding my weekly blog post to be an activity that I look forward to, it feels somewhat cathartic.
From an academic perspective it has been a low productivity week. Work has been extremely busy and I also had several networking and social events. All were enjoyable but I am definitely feeling drained.
Today, I have been focused on preparing communication templates and tools for my data collection. It was very useful to leverage the documents that I created for my Pilot Study. I now have some very solid drafts and will solicit some feedback -particularly on the tone and clarity- before finalizing. My final task for the day will be to revise the demographic and open ended questions that need to be added to my quantitative survey. I am planning to schedule a meeting with the survey administrator next week and share the customizations that need to be completed.
I am looking forward to having a quiet evening. Perhaps some take-out and a good film. Tomorrow I am having brunch with a girlfriend and then will depart for my last business trip for 2011 -woohoo!!