A Really Good Week!

I have had a really good week!  Invitations to 30 organizations to participate in my research study were sent out this week via email and I am thrilled that there were many immediate affirmative responses.  I am hoping, by December 15, to have received commitments from 25 companies.  I have had invaluable  support from both a CEO and his executive assistant so far, and feel that this has been essential to these positive responses.  I am hoping that my approach to have a designated delegate at each organization to help “stick-handle” data collection will pay similar dividends in terms of response rates.

I had two other positive things happen this week.  The first was a team off-site at work, it was highly enjoyable, both personally and professionally.  The second was receiving the official feedback on my colloquium presentation and also reviewing the video tape.  I was pleased to see and hear from others that the presentation was well delivered –clear, logical, and understandable.  Also, I felt that my handling of the Q&A was very solid.  One participant highlighted this on their feedback form, they stated “Excellent answers to questions, very thoughtful.”  Perhaps most importantly, I received very useful feedback on both my research question and suggestions for how to enhance future presentations.  For example, I need to be more explicit about the “So What” and the residual in my research model.

I have a few more weeks of heavy lifting at work.  I am presenting at an external conference, need to think through 2012 planning in more detail, and conduct  individual performance reviews.  Hopefully by mid-December things should ease up and I am hoping to take a 4 day weekend before Christmas to do some dissertation writing.  If all goes according to to plan I hope to take a two week hiatus from research and return in earnest in the New Year.

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