Great Week and Sad Day

It has been a very busy week preparing for my data collection.  The conference call with the HR Delegates was a good idea and was well attended.  I simply walked through all of the next steps and responded to questions.  Throughout the week I have been working with some of them to refine their list of leaders, essentially culling managers, and also ensuring that the MLQ link works.  I am currently awaiting 3 sets of leaders lists and testing of the MLQ Link with 4 organizations.  Hopefully this will be completed by Tuesday, well ahead of the actual survey launch day.

Great value was delivered from both my supervisors this week.  My Rotman supervisor was helpful in providing final feedback on my leadership questionnaire and my Henley supervisor provided lots of insight and strategies for navigating the path to doctorate.  I still have to type up the notes.  A key take-away was I still need to NARROW my research question and possibly nix the qualitative piece.  It is all about depth not breadth!!  Also, one suggestion that I have put into practice is making more time to reflect and think.  I have purchased a new journal just for this purpose and enjoyed writing down my current ideas about my research.

Today is a sad day though because I am departing shortly for a funeral for an ex-colleague.  We worked together for 2 years and she was a truly wonderful person.   She was very pleasant, collaborative, talented, and authentic.  I cannot believe that she has died, it was so sudden.  I feel so sad for her family, particularly her husband and toddler son.  I am going to pay my respects and hopefully provide support.  Life is so precious.  This reinforces my commitment to live life to the fullest everyday and be grateful.

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