Pre-Brunch Update

I am typing a quick post from my parents’ place.  I have enjoyed a really relaxing and fun weekend with them.  We are waiting for my brother, and his family, to arrive and then we are going to enjoy a family brunch.  Suffice it to say that I was unable to do my regular library stint yesterday, but did manage to do some preliminary work on a presentation.  I also plan to do more on the train ride back to Toronto. 

I just remembered that last week was atypical as well.  I had the flu and was side-lined for 5 days.  It will be good to get back into my routine next weekend.  Not a moment too soon given I am planning to present at a colloquium in late May.  Thankfully I have lined up a tutor to help me address some SPSS questions and am making good progress with my data clean-up.

Scones and cream are calling me!

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