2012 Colloquium #2

This is going to be a quick post because I have to depart shortly for the tennis courts.  I have had a very productive day at the library.  My focus has been to finalize my presentation for an upcoming colloquium at Henley and also prepare for the meetings that I have scheduled while I am there.  I feel like the presentation is in very good shape and plan to do a final proof read tomorrow before submitting it.  I also have created a solid list of questions for all of the meetings.   Compiling the list of questions was an energizing experience.   I am really looking forward to the trip, and am especially excited about  seeing some of my DBA cohort who are also planning to attend.

My final comment is related to logistics.  I continue to be amazed by how much time needs to be devoted to the administrative components of the doctorate.  For example, it feels like I spend a good few hours a week on non-research tasks such as:  scheduling meetings, ordering books, updating licensing, booking workshops, printing and entering researcher information in ENDNOTES, and responding to email.  I now completely understand why academics have research assistants!

Off to the courts now.  Hopefully all of the Wimbledon matches that I have been watching lately will improve my game!

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