Building Quantitative Muscle

I have had a very full and productive week, both with work and research.  I finished the final workshop of a 4-part SPSS series.  This last workshop focused on regression.  I was really pleased at the degree that I was able to “keep up” and understand the concepts.  Also, the professor was excellent at explaining concepts, and balancing theoretical explanations with interesting stories and metaphors.  These factors really helped the learning to “stick” for me.

As much as I struggle with statistics I am really drawn to it, not just as a researcher, but likely because of my attraction to logic, rules  that makes sense, and tools to understand reality.  I also had a really productive tutorial with a Henley professor via video conference.  The session highlighted how much I still need to learn which was a bit overwhelming.  However, there was a significant upside because I finished the tutorial with very clear next steps and a scheduled second tutorial for late September.

This week I am on vacation so will be dedicating 5 days to my research with a significant focus on building my quantitative muscle.  I am also looking forward to playing tennis with my partner, perhaps a road trip, and spending time with my siblings.  Of course, I will also be watching a great deal of the London Olympics!

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