Weekend Chillax

It has been a unpredictable few weeks.  I had to head home unexpectedly last weekend due to some family matters. Fortunately, the situation has improved.  I have been on vacation this week, but unfortunately  there was some unexpected news at work that warranted connecting with other leaders and my team for several conference calls and monitoring my email.  This put a dent in my plan to focus exclusively on my research.  There have been other more minor situations to grapple with as well.  Overall the past two weeks have not progressed as planned.  That said, I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to provide support for my family and colleagues.

Although I was not able to devote as much dedicated time to research during this week’s vacation, I optimized the time I had and was able to make significant progress.  Key achievements include completing a detailed plan to analyze my data, writing several pages of my Competency Development Portfolio and planning of the interview stage of the research study.  Overall, I am very pleased with my progress.

It is now mid-afternoon on Friday and I am planning to take the rest of the day and the weekend off.  I definitely need some R&R.  I plan to attend a film festival, play tennis, and chillax!

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