It is Thursday afternoon and I am thrilled to have drafted two papers. This was no small undertaking. I have been at the library for four very full days in a row and now I am totally zonked!
The first paper, was a Preliminary Findings White Paper for the Filene Research Institute. I was able to leverage my Initial Findings Report for Participants and essentially expanded the paper by adding more findings, graphs and a Recommendations section. The second paper, is a Competency Development Portfolio, my final DBA Assignment. Even though it was arduous at times, it was illuminating to chart my development over the past 18 months. I am really pleased with my progress!
Now, I can comfortably enjoy a three day vacation from both research and work -woohoo!! I am looking forward to rewarding myself with a visit to the spa tomorrow. On the weekend I am have plans for fun and frolic with my partner and girlfriends. I am really excited about my break but equally so about my progress. I would start jumping for joy but suspect that it would alarm the rest of the students in the library.
This week, I was also in touch with academics to confirm upcoming colloquium dates and plans to revise my regression model. More details to come on this.