White Paper Solid Draft #2

It is 5pm and it is still fairly bright outside.  I am very happy that the days are getting longer again.  My stint at the library has been productive.  I have dedicated the full day, about 7 hours, to refining my White Paper.  I continue to be amazed at the time and effort required to write.  This is only a 20 page paper that builds off an existing 10 page report, yet I am fairly certain that I have spent about 30 hours on it already.  I am beginning to get a sense of how much effort will be required to write and then refine my dissertation –scary!!!

I have also solicited feedback from my supervisors and two academics on this paper and should receive responses over the next few weeks.  I am hoping to finalize this paper by early February.  Next Saturday I will focus on refining my CDP Portfolio Paper and then submit that for feedback.  The next step will be to work on a paper for the April Colloquium and also return to analysis.  I am really beginning to understand the value and necessity of having these overlapping “streams” of activity.

I have made a commitment to take every fourth weekend off.  This is in some ways hard for me because Saturday is typically the only time that I can consistently commit to research and usually accomplish a lot.  That said, I need to try this because I was exhausted by the end of last year and need to find a more sustainable approach to balance life, work, and research.

I am going to depart shortly to complete some errands and then head home to watch the Australian Open on TV.

This entry was posted in Colloquia, Feedback From Academics, Supervisor, Surviving the DBA, Time Management, Tips and Tools, White Paper, Writing. Bookmark the permalink.

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