SPSS for Dummies…My New BFF!

I just finished 5.5 hours focused on my Quantitative Techniques Assignment and am thrilled with the outcome because I was able to complete all of the analysis.  With the exception of two areas I feel fairly confident that the analysis is correct.  How was this achieved in such a short time frame?  SPSS for Dummies!  I spent much of the week reading through this book which calmed me down considerably because it has a pervasive “you can do it” tone and simple examples that reinforced what I had learned at school last week.  It was my constant companion today, and I toggled fairly comfortably between the book, the handouts from last week’s workshop and my personal notes.

Tomorrow I am going to DO NOTHING, well at least nothing academic! I will resume this work Monday and generate a comprehensive list of clarifying and confirming concept questions to discuss with the tutor.  It was a lot of back and forth via email over the past week to schedule but we final found a time that works for both of us next week.   My next major step is to write up the analysis in a 2500 word paper.   I have taken both Friday and Monday as vacation days to give me time to focus on creating a solid first draft that I can then tweak and enhance.  In preparation for this stage I am going to read some papers that were handed out during the workshop so I can get very familiar with “appropriate academic writing style” for quantitative analysis. 

The writing stage is going to be heavy lifting but I am feeling increasingly confident that I can meet this challenge if I follow my plan.  I hope that the that the meeting with the tutor has similar ROI as the SPSS for Dummies, but think I can enhance this probability by ensuring that I am really prepared with good questions.  It may be early, but I am beginning to like quantitative techniques and am started to get quite excited about learning Structured Equations Modeling next year.

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